Monday, September 22, 2008

Day at the Park

Today Matt finally had a day off from his full time job so we could spend some time together as a family. After a great lunch at Hometown Buffet, I had him swing by Slauson Park in Azusa so we could play with Sam for a while. I also wanted to get some pics of the weather per my dad's request. It is a cute little park that also has a pool attached to it. The pool is awesome. It has a large slide available to kids and a little splash zone, but sadly, it is now closed for the season.

Of course, our first stop with a baby almost toddler is the infant swings. Sam for the first time truly loved it. He smiled and laughed.

Matt and Sam had a good old time playing on the swing.
Here is a still I just love...
Then, it was my turn to get in on the fun.
Thank goodness for timers on the camera. Had we known we were taking pictures, I think we may have dressed a bit differently, but hey, I am representing (though they are as rotten as rotten eggs) and Matt is still in work clothes from doing a part time shift earlier. Sam looks great thanks to some snazzy clothes from Becky and shoes from Grandma Judy.
Sam poking Matt's eye out.
Ahhh bab bab bab bab bab. Sam and I making noises on our hands.

It was such a nice day. Not too hot, so jeans were an option to wear... finally! I LOVE autumn. Welcome Fall, good riddance Summer! Until next time...

1 comment:

Servetus said...

You guys are looking really healthy and attractive, all three of you.

I'm pleased to see you have some fun for a change.

And Matt, again, congratulations on your 2 1/2 cars sold this week.

Love, G-pa