Friday, December 9, 2011


As we prepare for this holiday season, it has become overwhelmingly evident to me each day I am on this earth just how much we are loved by God.

I have been given such a wonderful gift to be a mother to two precious boys. I cannot explain the love I have for these kids. I know they aren't mine; I am just their earthly mother. Put here to guide them in their journey through life and doing my best to show them God's love.

The longer I spend with them, the more I reflect the sacrifice made when Jesus was sent to die for us. God send His ONLY son here to be beat, ridiculed, tortured, and put to death. For my sins. Thank you Lord. I am not worthy of this sacrifice, but I suppose that is what GRACE is all about.

And while there are days when I tire of the tantrums, the boogers, the discipline... I cannot thank God for such a gift. To think I will spend eternity feeling everlasting joy and happiness...

So yes, I am thinking about CHRISTmas. Thinking about the birth of God's son and the ultimate sacrifice made for a wretch like me.

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