Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What's Your Sign?

As promised, I took some pictures of Sam signing. Now, my mother-in-law says she tells people that Sam knows some sign language and they ask if he is deaf. No. He hears quite fine. He is a little slow to speak though, so we have taken steps to teach him some of the most basic signs. Here were some we were able to catch on camera before bed tonight. Under Sam's sign, I went ahead and got the expert picture so you could compare.

This sign is milk, shown by clenching and opening your hand. It was probably the easiest to teach, for obvious reasons. We were a little hesistant to get this picture as we just stopped giving him milk before bed. I risked it though, and he was fine without his liquid gold.
The most recent sign he has learned is car. Car is signed like you are driving a steering wheel. Sam absolutely loves toy cars. He picked them up from his cousins who have a million matchbox cars at their house. He leaves with one each time he visits.
All done or finished would be the next sign. Basically you hold up your hands and twist them at the wrist. Good for him to let us know when to stop trying to shove things in his mouth.
Another easy sign to teach was please. Please is rubbing your hand in a circle on your chest. We would withhold things he wanted until he signed it. Easy enough.
Ok so water, this next sign, is not quite like how it is supposed to look, but hey, he is 18 months. Water is a little harder. You take your three middle fingers and tap them on your chin. Sam just takes his whole hand and hits his mouth. We get the picture that he is thirsty. We have tried to teach juice, but basically anything besides milk is water.
Another recent sign learned (and definitely the most challenging) was thank you. Touch your hand to your chin and then point it out. How do you teach something when all collateral you need for the lesson is gone? But he has learned it, thank goodness.
Another very useful sign is more. Tap your fingertips together. More milk, more food, more more more.
He also knows food as of late, but I forgot to get him to sign that for the camera. I hope you have enjoyed the many signs of Sam. Learn them in case you come in contact with him and he starts smacking his mouth!

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